Mary + Elli
My life with so many others, has never been the same after our sweet friend Kaitlin tragically ended her own life. What became alarming was when we took a closer look at suicide statistics. Did you know suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death amongst 15-24 year olds and second amongst 24-35 year olds? On average, one person commits suicide every 16.2 minutes, which intimately effects at least six people. Along with your help we can create a movement that will greatly reduce these statistics.
Hippie Sisters
Technically, mother and daughter, but spiritually hippie, gyspy soul sisters. Growing up, mom was known for her bubbly, happy, always-smiling demeanor which resulted in her nickname ‘Smiley.’ We have come to the conclusion that smiling must be genetic as 20 something years later I was crowned with the nickname ‘Smiles.’ Cheesy and ridiculous, but absolutely amazing as well – at least we think so!
Regardless of the obstacles, our mantra continues to be ‘I am happy’ even if it means repeating it 25 times in a row while driving through a tropical storm and tornado warnings for 12 hours, which is exactly what we are doing whilst writing this! Even when the circumstances aren’t ideal, we believe that repeating this mantra to the universe will attract good vibes and positive energy. Our lives must have purpose and that is why we have developed this boutique where a portion of all proceeds will aid those who have struggled or are struggling to find this happy place. We invite you to contribute to our blog that is designed to give each of us encouragement, enlightment, laughs and thankfulness for all good things.
An I Love Me Knot is a new spin on an old design and is symbolic of a caring and healthy relationship with one’s self. It is so easy to become our own worst enemy – especially in today’s chaotic and cluttered world. If we truly learn to be our own best friend, think of the mountains we could climb. Take the vow today, browse through our collections and find the I Love Me Knot that suits you or is the perfect gift for that special someone.
When you wear a Love Me Knot, you are vowing to:
Celebrate life and be your own best friend
Support suicide prevention and awareness
Help change the stigma around mental illness
You can contact us by clicking here.